minute book

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Noun1.minute book - a book in which minutes have been writtenminute book - a book in which minutes have been written
written account, written record - a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
minutes, transactions, proceedings - a written account of what transpired at a meeting
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minute book

[ˈmɪnɪtˌbʊk] nlibro dei verbali
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
| Members of the club celebrating the end of the Second World War, a photo of the club marking its 25th anniversary (below) and (bottom) the club's first minute book
But the main reason that Huddersfield has become a focus for research by historians of the female suffrage movement is that the town is home to an extremely rare and valuable document - the minute book of the local branch of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), which had been founded nationally in 1903 by Emmeline Pankhurst.
To give a feel of the kinds of things that turn up in a community archive I have chosen to write about an artifact that is quite special; the 1873 School Board Minute Book for High Bluff.
As early as September 1914, parish council minutes show that the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries was encouraging the residents of Pencoed to cultivate gardens and allotments (Pencoed Parish Council, minute book, P131/1/2).
According to the Daily Express, described as one of the most historically important documents of all time, the FA Minute Book, written in 1863, is now being shown at the British Library as part of the Football Association's (FA) 150th anniversary celebrations.
The Corporation should have annual director and shareholder meetings and keep minutes of those meetings in the minute book of the corporation.
(22) Glenbow Archives, CES Fends, M-2160-1, Minute book of Inter-Western Pacific Exhibition Co., 1889-1903, 2.
When one errant member wrote to the secretary inquiring if joining the (scab) Waterside Workers' Union would affect his membership of the ASE, the minute book recorded a resolution 'that the letter from Brother Hindley be put in the waster paper basket'.
(21) RCCP, B2/1/1/20, Minute Book, 1853-56, 12 September 1855; B2/4/1/24, Ledger, 1832-71.
The missive penned by William Weightman to his "dearest" Fanny was found in a temperance society minute book kept between 1879 and 1890.
Tims said: "We have two pieces of memorabilia which you cannot put a value on - an 1857 hand-written minute book containing the first laws of the game and the first printed version from 1859."
Two Step Software Inc., a producer of corporate governance, ownership and minute book management software, has released Corporate Focus[TM] Version 5.1.