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a violent form of mania; incurable insanity.
a mania for open spaces.
a mania for streets.
an abnormal love of cats.
an obsession with alcohol.
a mania for being in vehicles.
a mania for pleasing delusions.
an obsession with America and things American.
an obsession with men; nymphomania.
a mania for sexual pleasure.
an abnormal love of bees.
an excessive liking for solitude.
an obsession with suicide.
an extreme interest in bullets.
an excessive fondness for acquiring and possessing books.
an extreme love for gaiety.
an obsession with China and things Chinese.
a mania for snow.
a mania for dancing.
a mania for money.
an obsession with bed rest.
a mania for foul speech.
an abnormal interest in cliffs.
a mania for great wealth.
an abnormal love of dogs.
an obsession with Dante and his works.
a mania for fur.
a mania for running away.
a mania for travel.
a mania for wandering.
an obsession with genitals.
an obsession with public employment.
a mania for wine. Also called oinomania.
a mania for religion.
an abnormal love of insects.
a mania for stillness.
a mania for activity.
a mania for work.
an abnormal interest in erotica.
an abnormal interest in erotic literature.
an excessive propensity for sexual desire.
a mania for blushing.
a mania for ether.
a mania for plants and flowers.
an obsession with France and things French.
1. Obsolete, a form of mania characterized by strange and extravagant proposals of marriage.
2. an excessive longing for the married state.
a mania for crossing bridges.
an obsession with Germany and things German. Also called Teutonomania.
an obsession with writing.
an obsession with Ancient Greece and Greeks.
a mania for nakedness.
abnormal sexual desire for women.
an obsession with sin.
a mania for pleasure.
an abnormal love of the sun.
a mania for priests.
a mania for horses.
an abnormal love of travel.
a mania for murder.
an abnormal love of drinking water.
an excessive love of water.
a mania for wood.
an acute mania.
a mania for sleep.
a mild mania; submania.
an abnormal love of fish.
a mania for icons.
a mania for idols.
an obsession with Italy and things Italian.
a mania for novelty.
a mania for sitting.
a mania for movement.
an abnormal love of speech or talking.
a mania for narcotics.
a mania for words or talking.
lycanthropy, a form of insanity in which a person imagines himself to be a wolf.
an abnormal tendency toward deep melancholy.
a mania for becoming larger.
1. a type of manie-depressive psychosis, exemplified by rapidly chang-ing ideas, extremes of emotion, and physical overactivity.
2. any violent or abnormal behavior. — maniac, n.maniacal, adj.
an obsession with the penis.
an obsession with hypnosis.
a mania for becoming smaller.
1. a partial insanity in which psychotic thinking is confined to one subject or group of subjects.
2. an excessive interest in or enthusiasm for a single thing, idea, or the like; obsession.
a mania for music.
an abnormal love for mice.
Noun forms end in -mania and adjective forms end in -maniac or -maniacal.
an obsession with death or the dead. Cf. thanatomania.
an abnormal love of the night.
an obsession with imagined disease. See also hypochondriacism.
a mania for nudity.
in a woman, a mania for frequent, continued sexual inter-course. Also called oestromania. Cf. satyromania.
a mania for crowds. Also called demomania.
an abnormal attachment to home.
a mania for wine. Also called enomania.
a mania conflned to several subjects. Cf. monomania, def. 1.
an excessive desire to buy articles of all kinds.
an abnormal love of reptiles.
a mania for special kinds of food. Cf. phagomania, sitomania.
an obsession with testicles.
an abnormal love of birds.
an abnormal pleasure in complaints.
an abnormal anticipation of the second coming of Christ.
moral insanity.
a mania for food and eating. Cf. opsomania, sitomania.
a mania for picking at growths.
a mania for medicines.
an abnormal love of noise.
an abnormal love of light.
a mania for thinking.
an abnormal interest in tuberculosis.
a mania for politics.
an abnormal interest in pornography.
1. an excessive tendency to drink alcoholic beverages.
2. delirium tremens. Also called tromomania.
an obsession with Russia and things Russian.
in a man, a mania for frequent, continued sexual intercourse. Cf. nymphomania.
a mania for writing.
an obsession with railroad travel.
an obsession with food. Cf. phagomania, opsomania.
an excessive respect for one’s own wisdom.
a mania for spending money.
a mild mania; hypomania.
a mania for symmetry.
an abnormal love of the sea.
an obsession with death. Cf. necromania.
a mania for the theater.
a mania for postage stamps.
an obsession with surgery.
an obsession with hair.
a mania for pinching off one’s hair.
delirium tremens. Also called potomania.
an obsession with Turkey and things Turkish.
an obsession with the expectation of publication.
a mania for foreigners.
an abnormal love of animals.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The police always seem to think that silver is stolen for the sake of silver, but a thing like that might well be stolen out of some religious mania. A runaway monk turned mystic might well want it for some mystical purpose."
The attendant thinks it is some sudden form of religious mania which has seized him.
About half-way through the term a mania ran through the school for a game called Nibs.
There was a perfect mania. Women, children, old men, all made it a point of duty to penetrate the mysteries of the colossal gun.
He was wishing to get the better of his attachment to herself, she just recovering from her mania for Mr.
The mania of selling his new clothes for a quarter of what they were worth had rendered our hero sufficiently celebrated in Orleans, a city where, in general, we should be puzzled to say why he came to pass his days of penitence.
I was now immeasurably alarmed, for I considered the vision either as an omen of my death, or, worse, as the fore-runner of an attack of mania. I threw myself passionately back in my chair, and for some moments buried my face in my hands.
Mac also developed a geological mania, and went tapping about at rocks and stones, discoursing wisely of "strata, periods, and fossil remains"; while Rose picked up leaves and lichens, and gave him lessons in botany in return for his lectures on geology.
A mania prevailed, a bubble burst, four stock-brokers took villa residences at Florence, four hundred nobodies were ruined, and among them Mr Nickleby.
I found her, as usual, busy with some piece of soft embroidery (the mania for Berlin wools had not yet commenced), while her sister was seated at the chimney-corner, with the cat on her knee, mending a heap of stockings.
His passionate excitement at times resembles a mania. In vain may the most vigilant and cruel savages beset his path; in vain may rocks and precipices and wintry torrents oppose his progress; let but a single track of a beaver meet his eye, and he forgets all dangers and defies all difficulties.
"They say old maids have a mania for matchmaking, and though I don't feel that weakness in myself as yet,I know a little person who is very unhappy with her father.