manicure set

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Noun1.manicure set - a set of implements used to manicuremanicure set - a set of implements used to manicure
set - a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used; "a set of books"; "a set of golf clubs"; "a set of teeth"
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manicure set

nNagelnecessaire nt, → Nagel- or Maniküreetui nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

manicure set

ntrousse f inv della manicure
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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A manicure set for trimming your nails, And........
He now carries the image wherever he goes, securing it on a bed of cotton inside a small case that used to hold his partner's manicure set.
54 WIN Be in with a chance of winning an at-home manicure set, worth PS56
PS5 from Zama Print ( Classic men's slippers PS4.49, Aldi Modern man manicure set PS4.95, Penguin Man Up!
This website does the hard work, like this manicure set. PS20, You've got to try these delicious desserts.
When he was arrested Foxall was found with a pair of gloves, the black iPhone, a small silver torch and a manicure set.
An assortment of accessories will include a shower cap, a manicure set and oral care items.
Matir Nour, another Iranian vendor who displayed exquisite articles including manicure set, said this was the first time she was participating in such an expo and it was a great opportunity for her.
John Peel asked for a football and a wall to kick it against; Kristin Scott Thomas, Christian Louboutin requested mules; and, surprise surprise, Cilla Black wanted a manicure set. Less surprisingly, Simon Cowell went for a mirror and Dame Edna Everage her sullen sidekick Madge Allsop.
Rachael Nelmes, 22, Dior make-up artist at Debenhams, Cardiff * Rachael's donation: Three high-end foundations; 20 nail varnishes; five eyeshadow sets; a vanilla musk body mousse; a manicure set bought as a Christmas present; three body sprays; 10 hair products; several brush sets; perfume and massage oil.