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(Biography) Bill. born 1946, New Zealand poet and writer. His poetry collections include How to Take Off Your Clothes at the Picnic (1977), Zoetropes (1984), Sunshine (1996), and Lifted (2005)
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References in periodicals archive ?
SELINA JENKINS Newport's Selina Jenkins - real name Asenath Nicholas Jenkins - was only 12 when she was arrested in October 1871 after the theft of a cloth cape from the shop of Messrs Baker and Manhire, Pillgwennlly.
Yet in the modern world of Manhire's poem, Christian
Newport's Selina Jenkins - real name is Asenath Nicholas Jenkins - was only 12 when this mughsot was taken on October 1871 after the theft of a cloth cape from the shop of Messrs Baker and Manhire, Pillgwennlly.
Toby Manhire is a former editor of the Guardian comment pages.
Esta interpretacion dicotomica ha sido cuestionada por Manhire et al.
In a follow-up to their earlier article in Kai Tiaki Nursing Research (2012), Skerman, Manhire, Abel and Thompson turn to the experience of nurses in the extended Well Child/Tamariki Ora service in Hawke's Bay.
In "'The Worst of Music': Listening and Narrative in Night and Day and 'The String Quartet,'" Vanessa Manhire nicely summarizes a number of the larger arguments in this section, such as that Woolf's "groundbreaking reworking of narrative conventions depends heavily upon her explorations of the ways in which music works, especially for its listeners" (134).
(31.) Seumas Milne, "NATO's Intervention Was a Catastrophic Failure," in Manhire, Arab Spring, 239, 240.
Manhire. Nevertheless, the erroneous notion that C.