mangrove Jack

mangrove Jack

(Animals) a predatory food and game fish, Lutjanus argentimaculatus, of Australian rivers and tidal creeks dominated by mangroves
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We arrived to find that our boatman was a shifty yet productive fellow named Nazeer, Over the next few days we had a lot of fun in Pullmodai catching everything from mangrove jack to GT but the real stars of the show were the threadfins.
Consideration of stream ecosystems in revegetation projects would help to conserve the freshwater biodiversity of northern Australia--home to such species as the Cairns rainbow fish, mangrove jack, barramundi and jungle perch.
My wife tried the pepita crusted mangrove jack - a cross between cod and snapper - with munchy green beans on the side.
But the food-batchoy, pancit Molo, grilled managat (mangrove jack)-is also worth the trip.
For many tourists, Iloilo City is synonymous to good eats: piping hot batchoy, grilled managat (mangrove jack), and oysters on the half shell or gussied up with butter and garlic.