Mandarin Chinese

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Mandarin Chinese



(Languages) the official language of China since 1917; the form of Chinese spoken by about two thirds of the population and taught in schools throughout China. See also Chinese, Pekingese
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Mandarin Chinese - the dialect of Chinese spoken in Beijing and adopted as the official language for all of ChinaMandarin Chinese - the dialect of Chinese spoken in Beijing and adopted as the official language for all of China
Chinese - any of the Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in China; regarded as dialects of a single language (even though they are mutually unintelligible) because they share an ideographic writing system
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The 22-year-old, identified by the Mandarin Chinese surname Hsieh, went to the small island's harbor area to swim, the Central News Agency reported.
The Rossett agency filmed interviews on the day and combined them with footage from the event, as well as provided subtitles in Mandarin Chinese.
The native French speaker used online resources and school classes to become fluent in English, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, German, Japanese, Italian and Portuguese.
Chimdi Maduagwu, says the institute has trained no fewer than 6,000 persons in Mandarin Chinese language since its inception in 2009.
In sections on theory and methodology, multimodal practices, and the multimodal organization of talk and interaction, they consider such topics as multimodality and the study of Chinese talk-in-interaction, list gestures in Mandarin conversation and their implications for understanding multimodal interaction, grounding and gestural repetition in Chinese conversational interaction, co-operative modalities in the formulation of Mandarin Chinese turn-continuations, and a multimodal analysis of tag questions in Mandarin Chinese multi-party conversation.
Filipino teachers who would want to be trained in Mandarin Chinese or teach English in China will soon have more education, cultural and professional opportunities.
Only 983 million people speak it as opposed to 1.1 billion who speak Mandarin Chinese. Which makes English the first runner-up, with the second runner-up spot going to Hindustani (544 million) in a close finish with Spanish (527 million).
Mandarin Chinese is fast challenging English in African classrooms with Kenya announcing that by 2020, primary school students will be able to choose China's dominant language as a subject.
Reporting the story in both English and Mandarin Chinese is a move aimed at tapping into the Chinese market, says chief government spokeswoman Dora Siliya.
The institute offers a selection of seven popular languages from beginner to advanced proficiency levels in Arabic, French, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish.
Jadak, a supplier of embedded machine vision solutions to the healthcare market, has released Clarity 2.0 machine vision and image analysis software in Mandarin Chinese. The Mandarin software includes the full functionality and enhanced features of the Clarity 2.0 version, released in June 2017.