Manco Capac

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Man·co Ca·pac 1

 (mäng′kō kä-päk′) fl. 12th century.
Legendary founder of the Inca dynasty who established Cuzco as the center of what would later become the Inca Empire.

Man·co Ca·pac 2

 (mäng′kō kä-päk′) also Manco In·ca Yu·pan·qui (ĭng′kə yo͞o-päng′kē) Died 1544.
Last Incan emperor, he was crowned (1534) as a puppet ruler by Francisco Pizarro after the execution of his brother Atahualpa. He later fled Cuzco and mounted an unsuccessful rebellion against Spanish rule.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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THE 'MANCO CAPAC', A REVOLUTIONARY NAVAL DESIGN OF THE 19th CENTURY Ernesto Ponce Lopez and Jose de la Vega Bustamente
The new restaurant is named in honour of Inca Manco Capac, founder of the Inca civilisation.
Cornejo (1911), Jose Antonio Encinas, Independencia, Manco Capac (1922), hasta que finalmente se aprobo como provincia de San Roman, como un homenaje a Miguel de San Roman, ilustre diputado puneno y presidente constitucional del Peru (1862-1863).
Just off the Copacabana Peninsula, we took a colorful rowboat to the Isla Del Sol, one of the most religious sites in the 16th century, revered as the place where the sun and moon were created and where the legendary Manco Capac founded the Inca dynasty.
Pasados algunos anos que el Rey Inca Roca gasto en paz y quietud en el gobierno de sus reinos, le parecio enviar al principe heredero llamado Yahuar Huacac su hijo, a la conquista de Antisuyo, que es levante del Cozco y cerca de la ciudad; porque por aquella banda no se habia alargado su imperio mas de lo que el primer Inca Manco Capac dejo ganado hasta el rio Paucartampu (Garcilaso 1960[1609]:136).