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Related to Manda: Mandarin
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Manda - a Dravidian language spoken in south central IndiaManda - a Dravidian language spoken in south central India
South-Central Dravidian - a Dravidian language spoken primarily in south central India
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References in periodicals archive ?
In a radio interview, Manda, said the solution to the any lightning threatening the airport was very simple, and that management should just acquire more lightning arresters that the operations of the airport will not be jeopardized.
HSBC leads in specific attributes linked to the decision to purchase MandA / advisory services from one bank over another.
A dhow carrying four crew members and building blocks capsized past Manda Bruno Channel in Lamu East.
Bamboo, a 'less appreciated' crop, has as much potential as coffee, cacao or rubber plants, Manda said.
His fans became a formidable force -- calling themselves the Kaushal Army, week after week they punished any contestant who targeted Manda by voting the person out.
Feliciano identified Rivera and Manda as his alleged accomplices.
MandA, or mergers and acquisitions, happens to be the expertise of the Japanese national.
Manda actually had no idea the clown was there until a year later.
QUETTA -- Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) announced its Sheikh Manda Grid Station load shedding schedule for development process from January 4.
Gina Manda [ID], (1) Ionel Alexandru Checherita [ID], (1,2) Maria Victoria Comanescu, (1,2) and Mihail Eugen Hinescu[ID] (1,2)
(2) See "Os Virais de 2015: O Ano do Manda Nudes,"