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A person of American and Asian ancestry, especially one whose mother is Asian and whose father is American.

Am′er·a′sian adj.
Usage Note: Amerasian is not a synonym for either Asian American or Eurasian. The word dates to the early 1950s and has been used primarily with reference to children fathered in Asia by American servicemen. Since American servicemen are of varying backgrounds, there is no particular racial or ethnic connotation to Amerasian apart from the fact that one parent, generally the mother, is an ethnic Asian. In contrast, Asian American is typically used of a person whose parents are both ethnic Asians but who by birth or naturalization is an American citizen, while Eurasian designates a person of mixed Asian and European, or white, parentage. Though many Amerasians are, ethnically speaking, also Eurasians, in practice the two terms do not overlap very much, with Amerasian continuing to be restricted in usage to the historical context of the American military presence in East and Southeast Asia.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(əˌmɛrˈeɪʃən; əˌmɛrˈeɪʒən)
(Peoples) a person of mixed American and Asian parentage; used esp to refer to someone with an American father and an Asian mother
(Peoples) of or relating to Amerasians
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌæm əˈreɪ ʒən, -ʃən)

1. a person of mixed American and Asian descent, esp. a child of a U.S. serviceman and an Asian woman.
2. of mixed American and Asian descent.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


nAmérasien(ne) m/f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Beyond this, however, these casting choices also disrupt "spirals of avoidance" regarding a variety of other forms of victimization produced by larger structures in US culture--from the physical and economic harm created by Walmart in a small Indiana community, to the literal loss of limb Mexican immigrant Bert Martinez suffers in order to achieve his American Dream, to the US military occupation and sexual exploitation of women in Korea and Vietnam that is only hinted at by the many Amerasian orphans adopted by the Beaudroux family.
Alongside her avowed antiimperialism and critique of US policies, I examine Buck as bringing her fundamental belief in the individualism and universal equality at the core of US liberalism to bear on her feminist and antiracist approach to the plight of the "Amerasian" child.
Myriam is a beautiful, Amerasian orphan adopted and brought to America from her native Vietnam during the 1970s.
* Take responsibility for the social, economic, and political development of Amerasian children by the U.S.
Ginowan's city government plans to provide a building for a local school for Amerasian children in the central Okinawa Prefecture city, municipal officials said Monday.
In his memorandum for Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday, Obama said his decision is "justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest; provided that this number shall be understood as including persons admitted -- with Federal refugee resettlement assistance under the Amerasian immigrant admissions program." The memo further states that the admissions "shall be allocated among refugees of special humanitarian concern to the United States" and will be broken down as follows; 15,000 from Africa, 14,000 from East Asia, 1,000 from Europe and Central Asia, 5,000 from the Caribbean and Latin America, 33,000 from Near East and South Asia and 2,000 set for "unallocated reserve.
All will be saved" (6) (614)--these are Kathy's last musings as the book closes in an auditorium back in Minneapolis (where the Amerasian children-refugees of American soldiers are being honored) and far from the madness of that not-so-distant time and place, but one wonders whether redemption is possible "after the end," Johnson seems to ask, or just wishful thinking, and both for these characters and his present-day readers here, or "back in the world."
We use the terms "multiracial" and "mixed race" interchangeably as umbrella labels inclusive of, but not as substitutes for, derivative terms emerging in the literature to describe multiracial populations or people who identify two or more racial heritages, including biracial, hapa, mestizo, Mexipino, Amerasian, and Afroasian (Root & Kelley, 2003).
However, POW/MIA discussions continued and a dialogue on legacy issues began: emigration of Amerasian (mixed blood) children, and the Orderly Departure Program (ODP) for legal exit of former inmates of Vietnamese re-education camps.
Desiring a contemporary Amerasian look and feel, the client also needed a team with experience working on projects of this scale and that possessed the technical background in institutional requirements--a vast body of knowledge not easily acquired.