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112: Konnten die Grabkegel vielleicht zu Grab TT 120 des [??]-nn gehoren, der unter Amenophis III. lebte?
Summary: In the Cairo Museum, behind a colossal group of limestone statues of King Amenophis III, his wife Tyi and three of their daughters, from the temple of Medinat Habu on the West Bank at Luxor, there is a small section dedicated to Pharaoh Amenhoptep IV.
Cette fete religieuse, instauree par Amenophis III, a la gloire d'Amon, etait l'occasion de rejouissance dans tout le pays.
( According to Francigny , "The site was initially known for the remains of the Temple of Queen Tiye, great royal wife of Amenophis III. This romantic ruin with its unique miraculously standing column is unfortunately too fragile to enable excavations to take place without an expensive restoration of the pulverulent blocks of sandstone."
This in turn led to the organization of a Tutankhamun exhibition at the Louvre in 1967, which attracted nearly 1.3 million visitors, followed by the exhibitions of Ramses II in 1976, and Amenophis III in 1993.
Amenhotep III, or Amenophis III, was the ninth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt.
These 70ft seated statues were knocked up by Amenophis III, who loved his wife, his mistress and the 317 damsels he kept for cold winter nights so much that he called his palace The House of Joy.
They are all that remains of the mortuary temple of pharaoh Amenophis III. In the Valley of the Kings there is no protection from the sweltering heat until you enter the cool interior of the tombs.
Amenhotep, the son of Hapu, who worked around 1380-1350 BC as an architect for Amenophis III remained an exemplary figure of ancient Egyptian art for a millennium and a half.