zero-hours contract

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zero-hours contract


zero-hour contract

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) an employment contract which does not oblige the employer to provide regular work for the employee, but requires the employee to be on call in the event that work becomes available
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
A young mum has claimed she is on the brink of financial ruin after being held on a zero-hours contract for 15 years at a councilowned exhibition centre.
Nearly a quarter (23%) of zero-hour contract workers regularly do night shifts compared to one in 10 of the rest of the workforce while zero-hours contract workers are on average paid around a third (PS4.10) less an hour than other workers.
THE number of young people offered a zero-hours contract has increased by a fifth this year, new research suggests.
New Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd says people should take a zero-hours contract job to avoid benefit sanctions.
Places like Bath Abbey are responsible for their own governance, and they make their own decisions about employment practices." Mr Mudge passed to us a copy of a "master" zero-hours contract from Bath Abbey relating to guides and welcomers which states at the top: "Employment Contract - Zero Hours Employee".
"With a zero-hours contract, you are generally contracted to a single employer but you don't know from one week to the next - or even one day to the next - what hours you may be required to work.
On average, someone on a "zero-hours contract" usually works 26 hours a week.
Comments posted on the jobs site Glassdoor revealed the difficulties of working on a zero-hours contract, under which workers do not know from one week to the next how many hours they will be offered.
According to the ONS's Labour Force Survey, 2.4% of the workforce in the UK between April and June this year reported that their main job came under a zero-hours contract. The ONS added that its figures could be skewed due to more people now understanding the term "zero-hours".
The advert reads: "These roles are offered on a zero-hours contract basis, although the successful candidates will work as required, there is no guarantee of regular hours."
A ZERO-hours contract is an employment agreement where you sign up to be available for work as and when your employer requires, meaning you have no guaranteed hours or times of work.
However, new figures from the Department for Work and Pensions show there are now 26,000 people on a zero-hours contract in the North East, down 45,000 people on a year ago.
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