zero-day attack

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ze·ro-day attack

 (zîr′ō-dā′, zē′rō-)
n. Computers
An often malicious attack on a computer or network resource, usually exploiting a coding error or other flaw, that occurs before the vendor has released a software patch.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Cyber Security Solutions on display at Huawei booth included Firewall and Application Security Gateway, DDos protection systems and Anti-APT Based on Big Data Analysis provides unknown threat prevention and zero-day attack detection with 99.5% detection accuracy.
A zero-day attack occurs when developers have not had time to fix a newly discovered software vulnerability before it is taken advantage of by hackers.
"Our C-SaaS business model solves three major problems cybersecurity poses for auto makers; 1) provides the requisite security R&D know-how to harden vehicles against hacking, including a counter measure arsenal to respond to zero-day exploits in real-time, 2) transforms automotive security and safety, a high cost to auto manufacturers, into a compelling source of long-tail recurring revenue, 3) buffers auto makers from liability associated with a zero-day attack.
Google, Inc said that it has shut down an operation that combined malicious AdSense advertisements with a zero-day attack.
"The zero-day attack was massive in 2015 with at least one attack every week and this is going to be the pattern and it is not going to be a surprise.
The exploit has been described by Sophos as a zero-day attack since it has been found being actively used in malware before developers have had a chance to investigate and patch it.
Backed up with years of multi-patented innovations, NETASQ provides real-time zero-day attack prevention to secure your network perimeter and emails.
Worm storms are particularly effective when hackers use a zero-day attack to spread the attack as there is no patch or signature to impede their propagation.
[degrees] Zero-day attack - Exploits a newly discovered flaw before vendors are able to patch it.