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1. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a group of people who work together
2. (Communications & Information) a collection of networked computers
3. (Computer Science) a collection of networked computers
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It has been decided to wind-up a task force set up in 2011 to introduce low-deck trams in Riga and a workgroup in charge of the Dienvidu (Southern) Bridge construction project, formed in 2013.
The Solitary Confinement Workgroup was tasked with drafting a legislative position on solitary confinement to hopefully be adopted by The Florida Bar.
According to Ashforth and Mael (1989), organizations provide employees with multiple identification targets, such as the workgroup, the department, or the organization as a whole.
A Texas education board workgroup that recommended removing the "heroic" from a seventh-grade textbook's description of the Alamo defenders changed course Tuesday after public backlash.
Bidaya Home Finance organized a special workgroup of real estate companies at the Hyatt Regency Residency Hotel in Riyadh.
* The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) workgroup continues to support members' implementation of the ESSA provisions related to students in foster care.
Yet caseloads are increasing in number and complexity and have convinced him to create a workgroup to study guardianships in the court system with a goal of improving accountability to better protect vulnerable people--children, adults with developmental and mental disabilities, and the elderly.
Electronic file size was a top issue addressed by the ONC at two recent privacy and security workgroup meetings.
Thus, the mean L [sub]Aeq,8 h values of individuals in the same workgroup were also used to represent L [sub]Aeq,8 h in our study.
A SECTION WORKGROUP formed in response to the December 2012 shooting at a Newtown, Conn., school hopes its newest initiative spurs gun violence prevention at the local level.
The Oklahoma Campaign for Action Network Coalition Leadership workgroup was created in the fall of 2013 as part of my role as a Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar.

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