Working Families Tax Credit

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Related to Working Families Tax Credit: Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004

Working Families Tax Credit

(Social Welfare) (in Britain) a means-tested allowance paid to single parents or families who have at least one dependent child, who work at least 16 hours per week, and whose earnings are low. It replaced family credit
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The benefits system became overly complicated when Gordon Brown introduced his new Working Families Tax Credit.
Ideas include raising the tax allowance for low paid workers and increasing working families tax credit.
The improving financial situation for mothers who split from their partners can be attributed to rising rates of employment for women and measures such as the Working Families Tax Credit, the study found.
Mrs Hough continued: 'They said we have never been entitled to working families tax credit, and that someone had put the information on to their system incorrectly.
Mr Brown said there would be greater flexibility for those claiming Working Families Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit who see a change in their circumstances.
There will now be free travel to Ashington, Hexham, Newcastle and Alnwick to residents aged over 60 on housing benefit or pensions credit and the disabled claiming working families tax credit.
Hay was struck off the Law Society of Scotland register of solicitors and narrowly escaped jail after being caught submitting fraudulent Working Families Tax Credit claims.
The change in April 2003 from working families tax credit to child tax credit and working tax credit was dogged by computer and administration problems.
Both the working families tax credit (WFTC), which is also means-tested, and the child benefit, which is universal, are treated as part of the claimant's net income in the above calculations.
A new report argues that the Working Families Tax Credit burdens small firms and discourages them from employing eligible staff.
NIGEL SAID: The Working Families Tax Credit, the tax break for the low paid, would go up.
According to the Whitehall figures, nearly one million single parents will be worse off and another million will be pounds 30 a week worse off under plans to scrap the working families tax credit.

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