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1. (Classical Music) another word, esp used in the titles of some pieces of music, for waltz
2. (Classical Music) another word, esp used in the titles of some pieces of music, for waltz
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.valse - a ballroom dance in triple time with a strong accent on the first beatvalse - a ballroom dance in triple time with a strong accent on the first beat
ballroom dance, ballroom dancing - any of a variety of social dances performed by couples in a ballroom
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
All I know is that one evening, entering incautiously the salon of the little house just after the news of a considerable Carlist success had reached the faithful, I was seized round the neck and waist and whirled recklessly three times round the room, to the crash of upsetting furniture and the humming of a valse tune in a warm contralto voice.
Gounod had conducted the Funeral March of a Marionnette; Reyer, his beautiful overture to Siguar; Saint Saens, the Danse Macabre and a Reverie Orientale; Massenet, an unpublished Hungarian march; Guiraud, his Carnaval; Delibes, the Valse Lente from Sylvia and the Pizzicati from Coppelia.
"Uncle" played another song and a valse; then after a pause he cleared his throat and sang his favorite hunting song:
The band were playing the "Valse Amoureuse"; the air was grown heavy with the odor of tobacco and the mingled perfumes of flowers and scents.
An upright semi-grand piano near the door, flanked by two palms in pots, executed suddenly all by itself a valse tune with aggressive virtuosity.
Tunisia is represented in the official competition of the Luxor African Film Festival with three films: Nejib Belkadhi's feature film "Regarde-Moi", Hager Nefzi's documentary "Ghzela" and Emna Najjar's "Valse de l'aube" short film.
1.20 ARGUS MERCURY SKY SPORTS RACING MARES' HANDICAP HURDLE (4) 2m Winner PS4,094 (6 run) Sky Sports Racing 1 4/3 VALSE AU TAILLONS (40) J Farrelly 6 11-12..................
The trio had three weeks together in the studio last summer to create a seven-minute duet, Valse Triste.
La valse des entraineurs revient au galop alors que la saison vient a peine de commencer.
Eventually, the Andante cantabile gives way to the Valse: Allegro moderato, which is hurried and quick, leading out to the grand finale, the triumphant Andante maestoso-Allegro vivace!
Written in 1880, it's characterised by the well-known Tchaikovskian colour, with its best-known movement most probably the second one, the Moderato-Tempo di valse.