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n, pl umu
(Cookery) NZ another name for hangi1
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The Fox, a five-seater, is powered by a 1.5 litre engine, and comes with a four-speed automatic or five-speed manual transmission gear box, while the bigger and more executive Umu has a 2.0 litre engine.
When the coconut is ready, add bananas and breadfruit, and cook it in an outdoor oven called an umu. Dinner is ready!
More commonly, foods were cooked in the umu, which is a type of improvised oven in the ground and, when it was permanent, it was denominated the umu pae.
152 Nethergate, Dundee DI) 'I 4DY Mk 01382 909 900 Fax: 01382 909 221 E-mail: Web: Open Daily 11-6.
It was then introduced to the European languages as 'Barbacoa' which translates as 'sacred fire pit.' This was probably more along the lines of the Hangi or Umu that is found in the traditional Maori and Polynesian cultures and is still practiced today.
Caption: Carrying her month-old daughter, Umu Maiga starts a cooking stove at a camp for displaced people in Mopti, Mali, June 8.
Yoshinori Ishii, head chef at UMU in London, has been visiting several communities to speak to fishermen about how they can improve the quality of the fish they sell on to markets and restaurants.