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(in Britain) abbreviation for
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) United Nations Association
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
'Come over to Aunt Una's seat and I will tell you about her and her lover--that man who has just gone out.'
"Beautiful Alice laughed and said it was forty years since he had been her Aunt Una's lover.
Miss Reade's Aunt Una had a personality that was very uncommon.
George, and the Lady, who is called Una, rode on followed by the Dwarf.
Meanwhile Una, forsaken and woeful, wandered far and wide seeking her lost Knight.
Of this state hear what Cicero saith: Quam volumus licet, patres conscripti, nos amemus, tamen nec numero Hispanos, nec robore Gallos, nec calliditate Poenos, nec artibus Graecos, nec denique hoc ipso hujus gentis et terrae domestico nativoque sensu Italos ipsos et Latinos; sed pietate, ac religione, atque hac una sapientia, quod deorum immortalium numine omnia regi gubernarique perspeximus, omnes gentes nationesque superavimus.
The poor man, who bore on his face many more visible marks of the indignation of his wife, stood in silent astonishment at this accusation; which the reader will, I believe, bear witness for him, had greatly exceeded the truth; for indeed he had not struck her once; and this silence being interpreted to be a confession of the charge by the whole court, they all began at once, una voce , to rebuke and revile him, repeating often, that none but a coward ever struck a woman.
But it was "una quistione di vita," and "vostro amico" must and could only be my miserable Raffles.
Athelny was not displeased to find someone to whom he could read the translations with which for some time he had amused his leisure; and in his fine, vibrating voice he recited the canticle of the Soul and Christ her lover, the lovely poem which begins with the words en una noche oscura, and the noche serena of Fray Luis de Leon.
trae sobre la cabeza una cosa que relumbra.' `Pues ese es el
Hawthorne, who was then living in the red cottage at Lenox, had a week at Arrow Head with his daughter Una the previous spring.
Si una eademque res legatur duobus, alter rem, alter valorem rei, &c.