

(Biology) biology resembling a scale: squamiform cells.
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Squamiform sensilla (ss), ex situ; its position in the segment is indicated by large arrows in picture A.
The gynoecium has three distinct regions (Figure 5c): an apical region, with the stigma, characterized by epidermal cells with ornamented cuticle; a middle region with a short stylet whose epidermal cells have a high number of stomata and a basal region of the ovary, characterized by the presence of a stamen ring with thin cuticle cells, stomata and multicellular squamiform tricomas (Figure 5d-g).
(2) The second group includes mechanosensitive sensilla of different shapes (squamiform, trichobothrium, paddle-like, clubbed-like, ribbon-like, chaetic with bisected tip, fingerlike, freniale-like, peg, cupola, basiconica, star-like, multi-lobated); they are usually characteristic of individual taxa (species, subfamilies, or families).
Among nepomorphan taxa in the Nepidae the squamiform sensilla and paddle-like sensilla (PDS) are the most abundant over the entire labial surface, and they form a very dense coat.
The squamiform sensillum (SQS), in the Nepinae, is probably homologous to the paddle-like sensillum in the Ranatrinae.
For parthenogenetic females and both sexes of bisexual adults, we observed 6 types of sensilla, including hydrofuge scales, trichoid sensilla, 2 types of squamiform sensilla, tuft hairs and Bohm bristles.
2B), where 5 to 10 squamiform sensilla II (ssII) were surrounded by tuft hairs(Fig.
Tegmina: squamiform narrowly spatula-shaped with rounded apex, 2.5 x as long as wide.
Evolutionary origin of squamiform microsculpture on the forewing-holding devices (frenae) in Heteroptera.
Among the phyllids there are many small squamiform (scaly) structures, the paraphylls.