sprinkler dance

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sprinkler dance

a celebratory dance in which participants extend one arm and shake it to imitate the action of a rotating water sprinkler
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The scenes of the side performing the sprinkler dance in unison at a near empty Sydney Cricket Ground live long in the memory.
At that point, England's players pulled out their notoriously naff sprinkler dance and celebrated like the job was done.
He starred in three victorious Ashes series, and was the brains behind the famous Sprinkler dance, which became a hit with players and fans alike, the report further said.
He has starred in three victorious Ashes series at home and down under, and was the brains behind the famous Sprinkler dance which went on to become a hit with players and fans alike.
Then came 2010/11 - Cookie's runs, Jimmy's wickets, that sprinkler dance...
There was no victorious sprinkler dance — the surface was wet enough as it was.
Still, we have to have hope that the seemingly impossible will happen, as the Australian press will be praying that they don't have to print any more covers containing images like the ridiculous sprinkler dance being performed on their home turf by their most hated opposition again.
Had Botham and Willis staged their mission impossible, had England deployed specialist fielder Gary Pratt to run out and enrage Ricky Ponting, had Andrew Flintoff won a Lord's Test on his last legs and Graeme Swann performed his sprinkler dance, all so we could agree that it was not the winning but the taking part which counted during an Ashes summer?
LORDS OF THE DANCE 0 England's players do their famous 'Twitter' garden sprinkler dance in Melbourne
Graeme Swann, who led the team in a celebratory performance of his 'sprinkler dance' on the MCG pitch after the match, tweeted: "My brother never let's me down.
Which successful British team celebrated their victories with "The Sprinkler Dance"?