Spring-tooth harrow

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Spring-tooth harrow

A harrow with teeth that are flat, curved, pointed bars of spring steel.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
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Estimated Percentage of Residue Remaining Implement After Each Operation Inverting tools Moldboard plow 5 Lister plow 20 Mixing tools Field cultivator 80 Chisel plow, spear point 80 Chisel plow, twisted point 50 Rototill to 6 inches 25 Rototill to 3 inches 50 Tandem disc to 6 inches 25 Tandem disc to 3 inches 50 Spring-tooth harrow 60 Spike-tooth harrow 70 Subsurface tools Blades or sweeps 90 Rodweeders 90 FIGURE 16-15 Average corn yield after tillage treatment for continuous corn in Ohio.
For the purposes of secondary tillage though, the spring-tooth harrow has been eclipsed by the more effective disk and spike-tooth harrows.
Also, a spring-tooth may be used similar to those on the spring-tooth harrow."