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v. spe·cial·ized, spe·cial·iz·ing, spe·cial·iz·es
a. To pursue a special activity, occupation, or field of study: a doctor who specializes in cardiology.
b. To provide something in particular or have something as a focus: The shop specializes in mountain-climbing gear.
2. Biology To become adapted to a specific function or environment; undergo specialization.
1. To give a particular character or function to: specialized her field of research.
2. Biology To adapt to a particular function or environment; cause to undergo specialization.
3. Archaic To make specific mention of; specify.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


  • creperie - A restaurant specializing in crepes.
  • abandannad - A pickpocket specializing in bandannas or handkerchiefs.
  • cinematheque - A small movie theater specializing in art or classic films.
  • academic press - Also called a university press; a publishing house associated with a university or other scholarly institution, specializing in the publication of scholarly books and journals, particularly works written by its faculty.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
But Paul had had it secretly in mind all the time to study the natural sciences, specializing on chemistry, and at the last moment he switched over.
- is currently the largest Panasonic Service Center in the US, specializing in P2 and DVCPRO repairs as well as Panasonic and JVC warranty repairs.
Also a former managing director, Kevin Carton is a 12-year commercial real estate veteran, specializing in the office sector.
Small to 25-ton molds, specializing in larger molds for appliances, housewares and automotives.
It is assumed that 401(k) providers are just as up-to-date on and experienced with NQDC plans as those companies specializing in this area.
My experience indicates that many choose to send end-of-life monitors and televisions to processors specializing in the recycling of products containing cathode ray tubes (CRTs).
Guthrie plainly defines a cluster as a place where someone can walk across the street from their place of work and find another job; where there are a few dedicated businesses and a university specializing in a given field.
In others, students in one profession may pursue a specialty linked to another, such as a lawyer specializing in environmental issues, a social worker specializing in criminal justice issues, or a health professional specializing in management.
ABplan is a Europe-based electrical engineering company specializing in integration and automation control.
In multivariate analysis, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology and having more than 60% of patients who accept HIV testing were significantly associated with physicians' offering HIV testing to all pregnant patients.
Adriana Alexandrescu, IT director, Executive Search International: "ESI is a management consulting firm specializing in executive search and selection.

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