base map

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base map

A map or chart showing certain fundamental information, used as a base upon which additional data of specialized nature are compiled or overprinted. Also, a map containing all the information from which maps showing specialized information can be prepared. See also chart base; map.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Additional features include base map symbology to assign colors and symbols to objects based on attribute values; multithreading and algorithm optimizations for gridding data; optimized and multithreaded color relief rendering; Thiessen polygons; Delaunay triangulations; new coordinate systems; and 8 new import options including PDF as vector, MapInfo TAB/MAP vector format, and GeoJSON.
Summary: The base map additions will include aerial photographs of Abu Dhabi and nearby islands, as well as 3D topographic features of roads, trees, electricity poles and natural landmarks.
Under the new agreement Tableau has implemented Urban Mapping's Mapfluence with a custom base map created by Urban Mapping using OpenStreetMap data.
Twenty-five years after a WHOI-French expedition discovered the wreckage of RMS Titanic, WHOI scientists returned to the site with advanced technology to create the first marine archeology base map of the Titanic wreck site.
Abu Dhabi Island Base Map Project nearing completion
Using lesson plans as a guide, teachers learned how to create landcover data by digitally drawing the trees in their study site from an aerial photo base map of the Catawba Campus.
The base map, which does not include utility features, is complete, but the task of populating this base map with some unknown quantity of fire hydrants, valves, sanitary manholes and drainage structures seems nearly impossible.
The Kit includes GIS software, base map data layers, a GPS handheld unit and onsite training.