social inclusion

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social inclusion

(Sociology) the provision of certain rights to all individuals and groups in society, such as employment, adequate housing, health care, education and training, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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They offer a conceptual framework that will no doubt be useful to others pursuing research in the area of social inclusion. They then apply that framework to the federal government's Social Inclusion website and its online forum to raise questions about why opportunities for social inclusion via websites such as the Social Inclusion one are not being taken up.
Councillor Mike Forey explained: "Our Social Inclusion Team tries to break down barriers by promoting social inclusion and working with other agencies to allow disabled people a better standard of living."
Prime Minister Naoto Kan plans to create a task force this month to work out a Japanese-version social inclusion strategy to help socially excluded people participate in society again, government sources said Wednesday.
Social inclusion has become a key focus for public policy in Australia, with governments supporting interventions that aim to improve the lives of those who are disengaged or disadvantaged.
Once again, the AJCD has been called upon to show leadership, and on this occasion it advances the agenda of social inclusion. The AJCD has frequently published papers that demonstrate the relationships between career development and matters of social wellbeing, justice and inclusivity.
Since the election of the Rudd Government the notion of 'social inclusion' has been given extra prominence, with the creation of the Australian Social Inclusion Board, a Social Inclusion Unit in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and a ministerial portfolio for social inclusion assigned to the Deputy Prime Minister.
And the grades awarded for Conwy are amongst the best in Wales, with no other authority scoring higher for both Social Inclusion and Additional Learning Needs services.
DAME Tanni Grey-Thompson will be the guest speaker at Trinity College Carmarthen's Annual Social Inclusion Lecture.
"Social Inclusion At Work" by Janis Chadsey is the latest addition to the AAIDD 'Research to Practice' series of instruction booklets called 'Innovations' under the co-editorship of Martin Agran and Michael Wehmeyer.
South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust, which runs St Luke's Hospital at Crosland Moor, has highlighted the importance of social inclusion in a report following a special conference held last November.
Part I discusses the social inclusion of the deprived and vulnerable farmers, in the context of poverty, sustainable livelihoods, and empowerment, and subsequently providing a tentative conceptual framework for an active social inclusion strategy.

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