Social Development Commission

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Noun1.Social Development Commission - the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with social development
Economic and Social Council commission, ECOSOC commission - a commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
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References in periodicals archive ?
The project is funded by the Canada Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Fund (CCDRM) and is done in partnership with the Forestry Department, Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), Jamaica Agricultural Society, and the Social Development Commission (SDC), Hanover Office.
17-21 The Grantsmanship Training Program, presented by The Grantsmanship Center, will be held at Social Development Commission, Milwaukee, Wise.
The Arabic-speaking daily Akhbar Al-Khaleej newspaper today quoted a well-informed source as saying that the National Plan stands on two basic pillars: the universal plan for the elderly, the Principles of Madrid (April 1982) and the National Plan for the Elderly passed by the United Nations economic and social development commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).
Addressing a meeting of UN Social Development Commission on Tuesday, Dehqani called for a balanced approach towards the problem of poverty and the poor of the world.

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