selective memory

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Related to selective memory: Selective attention, Selective mutism

selective memory

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FOLLOWING suggestions that our present Prime Minister can be 'economical with the truth' as indicated by the Head of Channel 4 News at an Edinburgh fringe seminar, it appears that he continues to have a selective memory when it comes to true facts.
Does she have selective memory as Nicola Sturgeon was elected as Scottish First Minister after Alex Salmond without a vote , so that means in her eyes that Boris shouldn't be prime minister and therefore Nicola shouldn't be first minister either.
But McCall revealed Black simply wasn't good enough and accused him of being bitter, with selective memory.
Tickets cost [euro]22.50 plus booking fee (additional charges may apply) and are on sale now from Selective Memory ( Copy_SM) and Ticketbooth (
His barrister, Mark Cotter QC, claimed during his closing speech that the nightclubber had a selective memory around "tricky" aspects of her account.
His barrister, Mark Cotter, QC, claimed during his closing speech that the nightclubber had a selective memory around "tricky" aspects of her account.
Was it selective memory? Was it simply that I had tried to impose my northern gardening parameters on a more southern location?
Maclagan believes Nadal will be using selective memory, much like other top athletes, so that he can go into the Rome Masters this week with a fresh mindset.
Put Brexit deal to vote Sir -The analysis of the 2017 election result by your correspondent Mr JOHNW Burton (Selective memory on Brexit) is itself more selective in its choice of statistics.
PRESUMABLY John Brewin (Birmingham Mail letters page, January 2) has a selective memory, either by accident or design.
"Gone are the days when a 'victim' with a very long and selective memory dictates the outcome of an organization, school, or tries to decimate an individual's long standing career," Boccanfuso continues.
Carney dismissed claims as "entirely unfounded", having emphasised the bank's impartiality in the debate and said MP Jacob Rees-Mogg had a "selective memory".

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