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Related to respectably: abominably, provisionally


honorably; suitably: He performed his job respectably.
Not to be confused with:
respectfully – full of respect; with regard: She listened respectfully to his advice.
respectively – sequentially; in precisely the order given: John and Hal finished first and second, respectively.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


1. Meriting respect or esteem; worthy.
2. Of or appropriate to good or proper behavior or conventional conduct.
3. Of moderately good quality: respectable work.
4. Considerable in amount, number, or size: a respectable sum of money.
5. Acceptable in appearance; presentable: a respectable hat.

re·spect′a·bil′i·ty (-bĭl′ĭ-tē), re·spect′a·ble·ness n.
re·spect′a·bly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.respectably - to a tolerably worthy extent; "he did respectably well for his age"
2.respectably - in a decent and morally reputable manner; "the film ends with the middle-aged romancers respectably married"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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[rɪsˈpektəblɪ] ADV
1. (= decently) [dress, behave] → respetablemente, decentemente
2. (= quite well) → aceptablemente
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[rɪˈspɛktəbli] adv
(= decently) [dressed] → décemment
a respectably married man → un homme marié et respectable
(= adequately) [perform] → honorablement
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


dress, behaveanständig; I’m a respectably married manich bin ein anständig verheirateter Mann
(= fairly well) she finished respectably (in the race)sie erzielte (im Rennen) ein beachtliches or respektables Ergebnis
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[rɪsˈpɛktəblɪ] adv (dress, behave) → perbene; (quite well, perform, sing) → (piuttosto) bene
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rəˈspekt) noun
1. admiration; good opinion. He is held in great respect by everyone; He has no respect for politicians.
2. consideration; thoughtfulness; willingness to obey etc. He shows no respect for his parents.
3. a particular detail, feature etc. These two poems are similar in some respects.
1. to show or feel admiration for. I respect you for what you did.
2. to show consideration for, a willingness to obey etc. One should respect other people's feelings/property.
reˈspectable adjective
1. having a good reputation or character. a respectable family.
2. correct; acceptable. respectable behaviour.
3. (of clothes) good enough or suitable to wear. You can't go out in those torn trousers – they're not respectable.
4. large, good etc enough; fairly large, good etc. Four goals is a respectable score.
reˈspectably adverb
reˌspectaˈbility noun
reˈspectful adjective
having or showing respect.
reˈspectfully adverb
reˈspectfulness noun
reˈspecting preposition
about; concerning. Respecting your salary, we shall come to a decision later.
reˈspective (-tiv) adjective
belonging to etc each person or thing mentioned. Peter and George went to their respective homes.
reˈspectively (-tiv-) adverb
referring to each person or thing mentioned, in the order in which they are mentioned. Peter, James and John were first, second and third, respectively.
reˈspects noun plural
greetings. He sends his respects to you.
pay one's respects (to someone)
to visit (a person) as a sign of respect to him.
with respect to
about; concerning. With respect to your request, we regret that we are unable to assist you in this matter.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
In fact, a chill tremor went through me as I realised that, to all intent, I was at length respectably settled down, with quite a considerable retrospect of happy married life.
When I was respectably settled at home, this gentleman would not so much as look at me without a frown; and now, when I was a scamp, in prison, he mercifully and fraternally came to condole with me on my misfortunes.
A fortnight since I sent one of my men (most respectably dressed) to hang about his farm, and see what information he could pick up.
She had only two daughters, both of whom she had lived to see respectably married, and she had now therefore nothing to do but to marry all the rest of the world.
Among all the spectators whom Van Baerle's execution had attracted to the Buytenhof, and whom the sudden turn of affairs had disagreeably surprised, undoubtedly the one most disappointed was a certain respectably dressed burgher, who from early morning had made such a good use of his feet and elbows that he at last was separated from the scaffold only by the file of soldiers which surrounded it.
All I then knew of the history of his life was, that he had once held a situation in the University of Padua; that he had left Italy for political reasons (the nature of which he uniformly declined to mention to any one); and that he had been for many years respectably established in London as a teacher of languages.
My maid has taught her fine needlework, and she has mended some lace of mine very respectably indeed--very respectably."
She had been solicited, when about two-and-twenty, to change her name, by the young man, who not long afterwards found a more willing mind in her younger sister; and Lady Russell had lamented her refusal; for Charles Musgrove was the eldest son of a man, whose landed property and general importance were second in that country, only to Sir Walter's, and of good character and appearance; and however Lady Russell might have asked yet for something more, while Anne was nineteen, she would have rejoiced to see her at twenty-two so respectably removed from the partialities and injustice of her father's house, and settled so permanently near herself.
At least, it has given me strength to go away respectably tomorrow morning, without making a scene.
"And you mean to say that you can't dress respectably on that?
She ought to have said, 'No, I shall be married respectably from home, and have a wedding and a silk dress and bridesmaids and lots of presents.' But she didn't.
I can live, and live respectably, as a concert singer.