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Adj.1.resourceless - lacking or deficient in natural resources
poor - lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances; "a poor land"; "the area was poor in timber and coal"; "food poor in nutritive value"
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The human rights of the resourceless Rohingya were overlooked because certain big powers and some smaller fry had business relations with the regime.
I think the defunct LBs were toothless and resourceless as the PML-N government didn't permit their LB representatives to take oath for two years.
'I think the previous local governments were toothless and resourceless as the PML-N government didn't permit them to take oath for two years,' the minister said.
Tariq Mahmood apprised him of the free of cost medical services and medicines being provided to resourceless patients at JPMC.
Positive changes in the development of traditional energy are undoubtedly at the minimum and further functioning can take place in the direction of: the final collapse and the achievement of the point of non-recovery and destruction of the power system; or in the direction of qualitative reformatting of the structure and philosophy of functioning of the electric power industry, orientation to the resourceless generation of renewable energy sources (RES) on the principles of virtualization, with the introduction of self-guided on the local levels <<Smart Grids>>, with the development of distribution networks based on the introduction of new levels of voltage to reduce power losses, improvement and development of network topology.
While not tailored to continuous, resourceless casting like in Birth By Sleep, the combat is defined by the new reaction command system.
For the application the government didn't put any income limit and now all resourceful and resourceless groups are submitting applications.
The latter statements contribute to a narrative that Syrians are resourceless and vulnerable to exploitation by terrorist actors.
Where are the valuables?' I felt resourceless rather than defenceful, but then something toward happened.
This polytechnic ran for many years and enabled thousands of young men, many of them resourceless refugees, to find their feet in life and also contribute significantly to the national economy.
He said there was a dual standard of the KMC officers in dealing with a poor and resourceless person as compared to their benefactors who gave them commission on monthly basis.
short, "incommensurability does not leave us resourceless"