request stop

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request stop

a point on a route at which a bus will stop only if signalled to do so. US equivalent: flag stop
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

request stop

n (Brit) (for bus) → fermata facoltativa or a richiesta
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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It used to be the station master's home for Bynea, which is a request stop along the Heart of Wales Line.
But in the past 12 months numbers have rocketed to 1,824 at the single-track, request stop.
From Berlin: Harold Pinter's Request Stop gets a new twist, as viewers are invited "into the ring," where a baker's dozen of different characters await a bus.
As a 'request stop' anyone who wants to board at Reddish South has to stick their arm out to alert the conductor.
People wishing to board the "request stop" 9.26am at Reddish South in Stockport each Friday have had to stick out an arm to alert the conductor.
The services are provided by vehicles with the following characteristics: the cruising speed considering stops due to traffic and pedestrian interference, [V.sub.b]; the dwelling time of a flag stop or a request stop, [T.sup.r.sub.d]; and dwelling time of a checkpoint, [T.sup.f.sub.d].
The comedian takes a tour of Britain's 152 request stop stations to find out why they are there, who uses them, and the history of the area, with the aid of experts and enthusiasts.
Merton said: "Their place has a request stop right outside their front door."
You can request stop smoking leaflets, a magazine and a DVD from Smokeline either by calling the helpline or by texting QUIT to 83434.
The caravan and campsite is not far from the sandy beach at Swanage and Herston Halt, a request stop on the Swanage Railway heritage line.