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formal of or pertaining to reputation
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At the moment, there is no really good model for investors to quantify the future reputational risk that companies or sectors face when reaching valuations.
Kraft Heinz (KHC) is shaping up as a reputational and financial black eye for Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) CEO Warren Buffett, as shares continued their slide this past week after hitting their lowest level since the merger of Kraft Foods and H.J.
THE Taoiseach says Fine Gael colleague Maria Bailey has done the party "reputational damage" after becoming embroiled in a compensation claim.
His or her reputational damage was limited to the number of people filling the square times the number of people they encountered while returning to their homes.
Beazley-Led Consortium to Offer Corporate C-Suite Reputational Risk Coverage
Summary: California [USA], April 15 (ANI): In what could spell reputational damage for Microsoft, the company has admitted that its security breach, which was revealed over the weekend, was far worse for some than others.
Tom Costello resigned citing concerns about "reputational damage" as ongoing reports revealed shocking overspends.
"It is against the threat of reputational risk due to actual or perceived non-compliance with Sharia which has the potential to stagnate, if not harm, the industry.
Fitch has equalised the IDRs of BBI with BB plc's to reflect its core role in the group, high level of integration, reputational considerations and small size relative to the group.
Businesses that don't have an end-to-end cyber security strategy are exposed to financial, reputational and legal risks," Redoble said.
Founded in 1998, ICR helps companies manage credibility and reputational risk to optimize shareholder value.