registration plate

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Related to registration plate: Vehicle registration plate

registration plate

(Automotive Engineering) Austral and NZ a plate mounted on the front and back of a motor vehicle bearing the registration number. Also called: license plate (US), licence plate (Canadian) or numberplate (Brit and South African)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Police also seized a car, bearing a fake registration plate and a round insignia of a Sindh High Court (SHC) lawyer.
The driver of a supercar was pulled over after detectives spotted an unusual way of displaying the registration plate.
A FERRARI supercar was pulled over in Hale after police spotted the driver had removed his registration plate and put STICKERS on his bonnet instead.
Moreover, the new registration plate will also help in tracking the sale of fishing vessels and transfer of the vessels, the sources said.
The notification mandates that the High Security Registration Plate including the third registration mark shall be supplied by the vehicle manufacturers along with the vehicles manufactured on or after April 1, 2019 to their dealers and dealers shall place a mark of registration on such plates and affix them on the vehicle.
KARACHI -- Adviser to Chief Minister Sindh Mohammed Bakhsh Mahar was spotted riding to Quaid-e-Azam's Mausoleum in a vehicle without any registration plate, Geo News reported Sunday.
Summary: Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) [India], May 22 (ANI): Allahabad Mayor Abhilasha Gupta arrived in Lucknow in a vehicle without the requisite registration plate on Monday.
a black Yamaha Fino motorcyle without registration plate
GOLCAR | |A front registration plate was stolen from a Renault Captur on February 17 at 1.15am.
Simon also drives a Fiat Panda, which is BLUE and has the personalised registration plate P4 NDA.
Registration plate No 22 was sold for AED 4.65 million
WITH the release of the new 66 vehicle registration plate, some Teesside pranksters might be hoping to purchase a rather rude one - but they will be left disappointed.

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