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n.1.The office of a registrar.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In practical terms, when PET is added, 68% of MMeds were completed within the registrarship period; 41% of registrars had a TTC of 36 months and were therefore able to exclusively devote the 4th year to final exam preparation, and 32% had a TTC beyond the 48-month registrarship time (DCT + PET = TTC of 49-121 months).
After serving as a lecturer and demonstrator in the Anatomy Department at Pretoria Medical School, he returned to Durban and commenced his registrarship in surgery.
I used to apply for the senior house officer in surgery but I was offered senior registrarship in anaesthesia.

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