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(Law) a procurator; the chief prosecuting attorney in France (procureur général)
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References in classic literature ?
Porthos's procureur - and that was naturally the successor of Master Coquenard - commenced by slowly unfolding the vast parchment upon which the powerful hand of Porthos had traced his sovereign will.
"As to my personal or movable property, so called because it can be moved, as is so well explained by my learned friend the bishop of Vannes - " (D'Artagnan shuddered at the dismal remembrance attached to that name) - the procureur continued imperturbably - "they consist - "
"This is why," continued the procureur, "I have left all my property, movable, or immovable, comprised in the above enumerations, to M.
The procureur continued, seconded by the flashing eye of D'Artagnan, which, glancing over the assembly, quickly restored the interrupted silence:
The procureur finished his reading, after which the greater part of those who had come to hear the last will of Porthos dispersed by degrees, many disappointed, but all penetrated with respect.
"Alas, alas," murmured he, "if the procureur himself had been at Marseilles I should have been ruined.
Now to the work I have in hand." And after having assured himself that the prisoner was gone, the deputy procureur hastened to the house of his betrothed.
Colbert, destined for trade, had been clerk in Lyons to a merchant, whom he had quitted to come to Paris in the office of a Chatelet procureur named Biterne.
"Monsieur le Procureur du Roi," said Pierrat abruptly, "How shall we begin?"
Lors de la 6e audience, dans le cadre du proces du directeur de publication du quotidien arabophone Akhbar Al Yaoum, Taoufik Bouachrine, du lundi 16 avril, le tribunal a donne la parole au procureur general du Roi, Jamal Zennouri, pour repondre aux requetes preliminaires presentees par la defense et aux vices de forme souleves par celle-ci.