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A supervisor especially of an examination or dormitory in a school.
tr.v. proc·tored, proc·tor·ing, proc·tors
To supervise (an examination).

[Middle English procutor, proctour, university officer, manager, from procuratour; see procurator.]

proc·to′ri·al (-tôr′ē-əl) adj.
proc′tor·ship′ n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Spenlow's proctorial gown and stiff cravat took Peggotty down a little, and inspired her with a greater reverence for the man who was gradually becoming more and more etherealized in my eyes every day, and about whom a reflected radiance seemed to me to beam when he sat erect in Court among his papers, like a little lighthouse in a sea of stationery.
Finally, on Jan 10, two JCD leaders joined a discussion on amendment of DUCSU constitution under the protection of proctorial bodyguards.
The proctorial board picked them up and they were later suspended."
Chairperson Prof Gazi Mohammad Asmat, Prof Ali Azadi, Prof Manzurul Kibria, and Associate Prof Rasheda Chowdhury were freed two and a half hours later following assurance from the proctorial body.
Speaking on the occasion Dr Gul Zaman, Saeed Khan of the proctorial board, Dr Fazal Subhan, Dr Ayaz Khan and others said that persons with disabilities needed extra concentration of society and institutions for enabling them useful citizen.
Total, percentages are not equal to 150 and 100 as multiple answers are present Table 5: Measures suggested to prevent ragging Characteristic Pre-test Post-test Proctorial board 1 3 ARC/squads (ARS)/patrols 15 130 Control room 0 22 Booklet containing important telephone 0 13 numbers of security/admin, etc.
While the varsity's proctorial committee was first given the task to probe the issue, a day later it was replaced by a high- level committee.
The council's decision more than one month after the Proctorial Board had decided to impose the ban on their movement in the campus and barred them from all the facilities except attend the classes and visiting library.