power nap

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power nap

a short sleep taken during the working day with the intention of improving the quality of work later in the day
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The feature, according to (https://9to5mac.com/2019/08/06/face-id-on-macs-2/) 9To5Mac , could be an extension of the "Power Nap" feature.
Summary: A routine 'power nap' for these daredevil workers.
Dhoni was seen wearing the team's travel kit and a black cap with wife Sakshi also in the frame taking a power nap.
According to Spokesman Panelo the President had to miss at least six meetings with fellow leaders because he took a "power nap." Health practitioners define "power nap" as a short but deep sleep that is supposed to last for half an hour as the longest.
Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said that a "power nap is important as it is one of the ways to help recharge one's body, especially among elderly people.
POWER NAP APP (visualhype.net) NAPPING is a tricky thing to get right: Sleep too much and you'll risk feeling worse than you did before you bedded down.
Power Nap App (visualhype.net) Napping is a tricky thing to get right: Sleep too much and you'll risk feeling even worse than you did before the time like to and it will a timed lull you deep you bedded down.
If your energy levels are low during the working day, a power nap can be helpful.
For starters, her show prep includes a power nap, an espresso, and some dark chocolate.
Take a Power Nap It may feel counterintuitive to lay down when you have a lot to do, but a quick snooze can actually help you get work done.