power failure

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Noun1.power failure - equipment failure resulting when the supply of power fails; "the ice storm caused a power outage"
equipment failure, breakdown - a cessation of normal operation; "there was a power breakdown"
blackout - the failure of electric power for a general region
flame-out - the failure of a jet engine caused by an interruption of the fuel supply or by faulty combustion
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power failure

nguasto alla linea elettrica
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
"There was a power failure on the above-mentioned section.
I do not know of any small or medium scale industry particularly poultry farmers who can survive with current tariff and the eratic power failure we are faciong in this country.
Residents and the business community demanded the government to probe into the regular power failures and capabilities of E-ElectricIt is to be mentioned here that the govt has formed a committee to probe in to the issues of K-Electric as the metropolis face regular power outage.
Protecting against power failure is effectively an insurance policy against losses from such an event.
Right: A notice explaining to customers about the power failure at the Nags Head
Thames Water said the power failure combined with high demand during the sustained heatwave meant water could not be pumped to customers fast enough.
'I believe ATMs of most commercial banks have been shut down due to the power failure,' he maintained.
A TFGM spokeswoman said the delay to the service was caused by a power failure. She said the service provider would 'strongly advise against' pulling the emergency cord, as it can create delays for other passengers.
A day after the Metro Rail Transit Line 3 experienced power failure problems, an MRT-3 train stalled between the Ortigas and Shaw Boulevard stations during yesterday morning's rush hour.
He urges his colleagues to work assiduously to alleviate constant power failure and poor hygiene at the Legislature.