poll watcher

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Related to poll watcher: scrutineer

poll watcher

nWahlbeobachter(in) m(f)
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The result will indicate which way the political wind is blowing in the state and whether the 'gathbandhan' (alliance) will emerge as a successful experiment," senior poll watcher Sudier Gupta said.
While disclosing experiences that included adjusting to cultural change and academic challenges while attending law school and serving as a poll watcher in Mississippi where he was afraid to use the bathroom at night, Lipscomb also details the struggles of the times as America endured major societal changes.
JB - whose ability to even be a poll watcher that day was questioned - essentially was begging the guv and council to pardon him for the following reasons:
Who's qualified to be a poll watcher depends on the state.
Here's how you can get involved this year: Help a party or support your candidate, become a poll watcher, help drive senior citizens to the polls on election day, volunteer at your local polling center, watch a debate, write a letter to the editor, canvass for a candidate, party, or issue, phone bank for a day ...
It also permits any elector or poll watcher to challenge the right of any voter to vote 30 days or less before an election by filing a completed copy of the oath, and provides a penalty for a voter or poll watcher who files a frivolous challenge.
Molacek said the consultant wrote fake letters to the editor, challenged the work of his own poll watcher to muddy the issue of fair voting, and even charged the superintendent with a fictitious crime, then alerted newspapers when Molacek was questioned by police.
In Virginia, Reagan George, a voter fraud prevention advocate who leads Republican poll watcher training sessions, said: "From what I'm gathering from the people I've made contact with, they've probably trained more people with this election than they have in 30 years." The state party did not respond to a request for comment.
I was asked to be a poll watcher during Election Day and I am sad to say that I only saw about 18 people per hour come in to vote in my precinct.
7 presidential election shows democracy has fallen into a loophole of mere legal technicalities that the two major political parties are trying to use to win, a Bangkok-based regional poll watcher said Tuesday.
I hear that a poll watcher may be lingering nearby while I vote.
"I was a poll watcher, and I experienced blackouts while reading the tally, there was ballot snatching back during that time," she said in Filipino.