poll taker

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Noun1.poll taker - someone who conducts surveys of public opinion; "a pollster conducts public opinion polls"; "a headcounter counts heads"
asker, enquirer, inquirer, querier, questioner - someone who asks a question
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If you want to sell, you probably don't want to wait for another political cycle to take your business to market." Said another unidentified poll taker: "People have been on hold for over 18-24 months.
The principal one, always a nemesis to the poll taker who tends to be governed by a logical mind, is the assumption that a human being is incapable of holding incompatible views, concealing those incompatible views, or even dissimulating views in order to give a pollster the "happy face" answer.
For every genuine National Opinion Poll taker wanting impartial views on fiscal policy, dentist waiting lists and the shape of bananas (by heck but they had a proper bend in them when I were a lad) you will get 73 asking for intimate details of your wallet, bank account number.
Instead, OnPolitics poses interactive "Poll Taker" questions: Readers submit their answers to questions asked in actual Post polls and then their answers are compared with the real survey data.
A cousin was a famous poll taker who conducted a survey to find out how many people had telephones.
According to poll takers, the following are the key areas that employers can do to improve their support: avoiding scheduling meetings in the morning (60.9%); setting special Ramadan working hours (22.4%); arranging special prayer times and facilities (7%); and organizing Iftar gatherings (4.8%).
The poll takers said, "We find Muslims' overall positivity remarkable given the fact that all other groups surveyed registered a sharp decline in their satisfaction with the way things are going in the country.
While a clear majority voted in favour of not buying Chinese smartphones across all social avenues, 30 per cent of the poll takers did not dismiss Chinese phones and said that they will continue buying them.
70 percent of voters across Digit's Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pagesvoted in favour of boycotting Chinese smartphones in light of the ongoing UNSC incident, while 30 percent of the poll takers voted not to boycott Chinese phones and that they will continue buying them.
While poll takers selected the Supreme Court article as their favorite, visits to The Nation's Health website told another story.
It is also noteworthy that despite reservations, social media usage is considered to be 'common' in the region, by four out of ten (42.8 per cent) poll takers, and half (51.1 per cent) say that their company uses the medium.