performance test

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Related to performance test: benchmark test

performance test

(Psychology) psychol a test designed to assess a person's manual ability
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ADTRAN[R], Inc., (NASDAQ:ADTN), a provider of next-generation open networking and subscriber experience solutions, has announced its fully managed, cloud-based performance test solution, purpose-built to streamline data collection and reporting for network operators that utilize the Connect America Fund (CAF) program, the company said.
And finally we are expecting to start performance test by Saturday or Sunday that will take three to four days,' commented Rashid Mahmood, chief executive officer (CEO) of the National Power Parks Management Company a subsidiary of the Ministry of Energy (Power Division).
[USA], Feb 10 ( ANI ): In elderly hospitalized people, the risk of sustaining a fall can be predicted through an easy physical performance test, suggests a research.
In addition to the design and production capacity of the liquefaction unit, the 72-hour performance test also confirmed the other systems designed by Black & Veatch, including gas treating, boil-off gas handling, and supporting utilities, ensured that the entire FLNG production process worked seamlessly.
Unilateral termination in case of failure of performance test
service provider, the Wi-Fi Performance Test Suite is based on proven technologies and platforms, including the Azimuth's ACE 400WB Wi-Fi MIMO Channel Emulator and DIRECTOR II Test Executive.
Back fat thickness, along with body weight, was measured on a single occasion at the end of the performance test. Therefore, it is possibly less influenced by maternal genetic effects than by direct genetic effects.
Q If I am conducting a particulate matter or total metal HAP performance test to meet Foundry Area Source Rule requirements, must I always conduct an opacity observation?
He also includes appendixes that provide examples of how to prepare application transactions for inclusion in a performance test, information on automated tool vendors, examples of key performance indicators used to monitor server and network performance, and an example of a typical performance test plan based on a Microsoft project.
Along with the system performance test, the Air Force will also conduct a special stress test Feb.
In a separate action, EPCglobal accredited four testing facilities that received the first Performance Test Center Accreditation Marks.
The performance test results from the three testing methods are consistent with one another, adding confidence to our overall performance evaluation.

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