perforated eardrum

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perforated eardrum

A tear or erosion of the eardrum, often resulting from middle ear infection.
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.perforated eardrum - an eardrum with a hole or tear in it; can interfere with normal hearing and cause other ear problems
eardrum, myringa, tympanic membrane, tympanum - the membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound
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References in periodicals archive ?
Spronson and the other couple got out when the taxi stopped on a garage forecourt but the woman was taken to the home of a relative before going to Russells Hall Hospital for treatment for severe facial bruising and a suspected perforated eardrum, the court heard.
Luckily, the lad suffered only minor injuries, including a perforated eardrum.
My doc told me I have a perforated eardrum. I'm 70 - can I expect it to heal?
The child suffered minor injuries including a perforated eardrum and was said to be "traumatised".
You can't see inside your own ear so it could lead to an ear infection if it becomes blocked, or even a perforated eardrum," he explains.
Stop it: A perforated eardrum usually heals within a few weeks and may not need any treatment.
The victim was left with a perforated eardrum, a swollen left ear, swelling on the left side of her jaw and scratches on her neck as a result.
Elizabeth McNamee, 81, was told by a GP not to fly after suffering a perforated eardrum in her 20s.
It caused damage to his skull and a perforated eardrum.
Plant technician Ken Crooks, 47, suffered a perforated eardrum and shock, said: "The shift leader said 'I think it's going lads, get out', and we all went for the exits.
According to researchers, it may lead to numerous complications, such as pseudomediastinum - air trapped in the chest between both lungs, perforation of the tympanic membrane - perforated eardrum and even rupture of a cerebral aneurysm - ballooning blood vessel in the brain, Health news reported.