pass band

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Related to pass band: modulation, bandpass filter

pass band



(Electronics) the band of frequencies that is transmitted with maximum efficiency through a circuit, filter, etc
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In this projection, all the pass band specifications generated in equations (1) to (4) are directly incorporated in the selective pass band optimization scheme.
The bandpass filter blocks unwanted signals and selects desirable signal matched to different pass band mixers, that is, 1,920-1,980 MHz of WCDMA, 890-960 MHz of GSM, 1,575 MHz of GPS L1 BPF, and 2,400-2,483 MHz of 802.11b/g.
And the structure is a band stop filter: with the decrease of w, the curve of waveguide mode tends to be flat, and the stop band at the higher frequency band is gradually increasing, and the initial frequency is decreasing, which makes the pass band of the two stop band become smaller.
If [absolute value of [B.sub.1]] = 1, unity gain in low-frequency pass band is achieved.
Likewise we have also explained in detail in section 4 that worst case time complexity of the proposed algorithm [5] for carrying out high pass band pass and band stop filtering operations of the input auto and cross correlation sequences through above four types of windows under the same assumption is also O(L).
The firm's new releases include six bandpass filters capable of octave-band tuning from 125 MHz to 3 GHz depending on configuration, and a 5 percent pass band. They employ a five-section tuneable design and have a mechanical dial accurate within 1 percent.
Moreover, these filters have the additional advantages of low pass band insertion loss and minimal group delay [1].
The group delay variation of the proposed antenna is very small, which is less than 1ns in the pass band. However, in the notched bands, the group delay exceeds 5.5 ns.