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n acronym for
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Panhellenic Socialist Movement
[C20: Modern Greek Pa(nhellenion) So(sialistiko) K(enema)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This implied that any supply-side policies, which had been implemented, were not being supported by PASOK's macroeconomic strategy as had been envisaged in the STD programme.
This led to a polarisation of political life in which the two big parties, PASOK and the New Democracy, monopolised political power, succeeding each other in government and, if one adds the personal animosity between their leaders - Papandreou and Mitsotakis - until 1994, produced what looks like games of 'bad and good guys', who's who depending on who is in power and who in opposition.
PASOK made clear that while it had backed the government over the bailout for the sake of saving Greece from financial ruin, that support would not continue.
The Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and the government Vice President have arranged to meet at 6pm on Monday, while the Ministry of Finances' negotiation team will be accompanied by a PASOK envoy.
Pasok et Dimar reclament l'annulation de l'acte legislatif portant seulement les signatures de M.
PASOK linked ERT's closure with a demand by the troika for 2,000 layoffs in the state sector by August, and called for an immediate meeting of party leaders.
PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos warned of a "big battle" in Brussels to craft a new deal that would promote growth and contain unemployment: "The most critical issue is the formation of the national negotiation team and ensuring that it is successful," he told reporters.
Talks have already begun, with Samaras due to meet the head of PASOK, Evangelos Venizelos, at 3 p.m.
Athens, Jumada II 20, 1433, May 11, 2012, SPA -- PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos was to make a final attempt Friday at breaking Greece's post-electoral deadlock and forming a unity government by holding talks with the conservative New Democracy and the Coalition of Radical Left party, or SYRIZA, dpa reported.
Correspondent of Utrinski Vesnik says that Greek party Syriza, compared to PASOK and New Democracy, has a better stance toward the Macedonian-Greek dispute and distances itself from the radical elements that do not even allow the usage of term 'Macedonia." The party supports the official Greek red lines on a name with geographic qualifier for overall use.
Now Greek President Karolos Papoulias will hand the mandate to Alexis Tsipras, leader of the radical left Syriza party, which came out surprisingly second at the elections with 16.78%, by passing moderate leftist PASOK whose support slumped to 13.18% from 43% last elecions.
It showed huge swing of votes to the left and right, leaving the two major parties, the conservative New Democracy and the socilaists PASOK, without a parliamentary majority With 99 percent of the vote counted, New Democracy had only 18.88 percent, followed by the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) 16.76 and PASOK third with 13.19 percent.