organized labour

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organized labour

, (US) organized labor
norganisierte Arbeitnehmerschaft
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

organized labour

nmanodopera organizzata (in sindacati)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
For a generation the general strike had been the dream of organized labour, which dream had arisen originally in the mind of Debs, one of the great labour leaders of thirty years before.
The announcement of organized labour in the morning papers that it was prepared to stay out a month or three months was laughed at.
Organized labour, we knew, had its private supplies; nevertheless, the whole working class joined the bread-lines.
The tyranny of organized labour is getting beyond human endurance.
Saraki, in a message of goodwill to mark the 2019 Workers' Day celebration, signed by his Special Adviser (Media and Publicity), Yusuph Olaniyonu, in Abuja, also commended the leadership and members of the organized labour for their patriotism in often choosing dialogue rather than industrial action in resolving trade disputes.
This book, by one of the organizers of the Saint John edition of the general strike, describes the events that led to the strike and suggests that labour pressures succeeded in reducing the impact of controls on organized labour and eventually killing the wage controls program.
The changes were recommended by the province's mining legislative review committee, which consists of representatives from the mining industry and organized labour. The Ministry of Labour facilitated the discussions.
As the author tersely observes, "The lawyers took over (226)." She therefore concludes that women workers were able to act with greater agency in the early part of the twentieth century, before organized labour won industry-wide settlements.
May first this year, like many years previous and probably many years to come, will be a celebration of organized labour. This is seen as a wonderful holiday for most people on the political Left, a chance to celebrate in solidarity with the core organization of our political struggle.
While I certainly understand the union's sensitivity to the human impact of change, the refusal to cooperate with management and governments to cushion the shock of inevitable change is a continuation of the head-in-the-sand attitude that has characterized much of North American organized labour these past 10 years.
The Publicity Secretary of the party, Dr AbdulAzeez Olatunde also said that media houses in the state especially Fresh Fm should always follow the principles of ethical journalism by cross checking facts before broadcasting or going to press, noting a Fresh Fm analyst on Monday 29th during the newspaper review programme 'Freshly Pressed' made a categorical statement to mislead the general public that the organized labour did not write a letter to the government and that the Ajimobi administration never paid salaries on the 25th or 26th of any month.
The newly-appointed Labour Minister says he decided to establish the panels after seeing that discussions he chaired between members of both the industry and organized labour pointed to a single problem: the need for a new workplace safety policy framework.

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