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(ˈneɪbəˌhʊd) or


1. the immediate environment; surroundings; vicinity.
2. a district where people live
3. the people in a particular area; neighbours
4. neighbourly feeling
5. (Mathematics) maths the set of all points whose distance from a given point is less than a specified value
6. (modifier) of or for a neighbourhood: a neighbourhood community worker.
7. in the neighbourhood of approximately (a given number)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.neighbourhood - a surrounding or nearby regionneighbourhood - a surrounding or nearby region; "the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville"; "it is a rugged locality"; "he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood"; "I will drop in on you the next time I am in this neck of the woods"
gold coast - a rich neighborhood noted for expensive homes and luxurious living; usually along a coastal area; "Chicago's gold coast is along Lake Michigan"
'hood - (slang) a neighborhood
place - a general vicinity; "He comes from a place near Chicago"
proximity - the region close around a person or thing
scenery - the appearance of a place
section - a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people; "no section of the nation is more ardent than the South"; "there are three synagogues in the Jewish section"
2.neighbourhood - people living near one another; "it is a friendly neighborhood"; "my neighborhood voted for Bush"
community - a group of people living in a particular local area; "the team is drawn from all parts of the community"
hood - (slang) a neighborhood
street - people living or working on the same street; "the whole street protested the absence of street lights"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. district, community, quarter, region, surroundings, locality, locale It seemed like a good neighbourhood to raise my children.
2. vicinity, confines, proximity, precincts, environs, purlieus the loss of woodlands in the neighbourhood of large towns
Related words
adjective vicinal
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
جِوارحَي، حارَهمَنْطِقَه، ضاحِيَه،حَي
i nærheden afkvarternabolagomegnområde
hàng xóm


neighborhood (US) [ˈneɪbəhʊd]
A. N
1. (= area) → barrio m, vecindario m
not a very nice neighbourhoodun barrio poco atractivo
somewhere in the neighbourhoodpor allí
2. (= surrounding area) → alrededores mpl, cercanías fpl
anyone in the neighbourhood of the crimecualquier persona que estuviera en las cercancías del lugar del crimen
in the neighbourhood of £80alrededor de (las) 80 libras
3. (= people) → vecindario m, vecinos mpl
B. CPD [supermarket, chemist] → de(l) barrio; [policeman] → de barrio
neighbourhood watch scheme Ngrupo m de vigilancia de los (propios) vecinos
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈneɪbərhʊd] neighborhood (US) n
(= area of town) → quartier m
a safe neighbourhood → un quartier sûr
She'd just moved into the neighbourhood → Elle venait d'emménager dans le quartier.
my immediate neighbourhood → mon voisinage immédiat
(= surrounding area) → voisinage m
in the neighbourhood of sth [+ place] → aux environs de qch, au voisinage de qch
(with numbers) in the neighbourhood of (= about) → aux environs de
He's won in the neighbourhood of four million dollars → Il a gagné aux environs de quatre millions de dollars.neighbourhood watch (British) neighborhood watch (US) n système de surveillance assuré par les habitants d'un quartier
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


, (US) neighborhood
n (= district)Gegend f, → Viertel nt; (= people)Nachbarschaft f; get to know your neighbourhoodlernen Sie Ihre nähere Umgebung or (people also) → Ihre Nachbarschaft kennen; all the children from the neighbourhoodall die Kinder aus der Nachbarschaft or der Gegend; she is very popular in this neighbourhoodsie ist bei allen Nachbarn or in der ganzen Nachbarschaft sehr beliebt; your friendly neighbourhood policemander freundliche Polizist in Ihrer Nachbarschaft; in the neighbourhood of somethingin der Nähe von etw; (fig: = approximately) → um etw herum
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


neighborhood (Am) [ˈneɪbəˌhʊd] n (district) → quartiere m, vicinato; (surrounding area) → vicinanze fpl
the whole neighbourhood knows her → tutto il vicinato or il quartiere la conosce
in the neighbourhood of the station → nelle vicinanze or nei paraggi della stazione
(something) in the neighbourhood of £1,000 → qualcosa come 1.000 sterline
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(American) neighbor (ˈneibə) noun
a person who lives near oneself. my next-door neighbour.
ˈneighbourhood noun
1. a district or area, especially in a town or city. a poor neighbourhood.
2. a district or area surrounding a particular place. He lives somewhere in the neighbourhood of the station.
ˈneighbourhood watch (American neighborhood watch;also sentry watch) noun
a system allowing organized groups of people to police their neighbourhoods to prevent crime.
ˈneighbouring adjective
near or next in place. France and Belgium are neighbouring countries.
ˈneighbourly adjective
(negative unneighbourly) friendly. a very neighbourly person.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


جِوار čtvrť nabolag Nachbarschaft γειτονιά vecindad, vecindario asuinalue voisinage susjedstvo vicinato 近所 이웃 buurt nabolag sąsiedztwo vizinhança район kvarter เขตที่มีคนอยู่อาศัย mahalle hàng xóm 邻里
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Anne's terror of being discovered in London or its neighbourhood, whenever they ventured to walk out, had gradually communicated itself to Mrs.
Clements discovered that one of their fellow-passengers was well acquainted with the neighbourhood of Blackwater, and could give her all the information she needed on the subject of localities.
When Anne returned for the last time from the dangerous neighbourhood, the fatigue of walking, day after day, distances which were far too great for her strength, added to the exhausting effect of the agitation from which she had suffered, produced the result which Mrs.
Lady Glyde entreated Anne and her good friend to return immediately to London, as she felt certain that Sir Percival would discover them if they remained any longer in the neighbourhood of Blackwater.
Clements replied, in the greatest alarm and distress, that she asked nothing better than to take Anne safely to London, but that there was no present hope of removing her from the dangerous neighbourhood, as she lay ill in her bed at that moment.
Clements secured respectable lodgings in a quiet neighbourhood, and then wrote, as she had engaged to do, to inform Lady Glyde of the address.
Now that she was engaged, the Emersons would scarcely insult her and were welcome into the neighbourhood. And Cecil was welcome to bring whom he would into the neighbourhood.
He SAID he did not know that you lived in the neighbourhood (?).
However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of someone or other of their daughters.
A small house in their own neighbourhood, where they might still have Lady Russell's society, still be near Mary, and still have the pleasure of sometimes seeing the lawns and groves of Kellynch, was the object of her ambition.
It would be too much to expect Sir Walter to descend into a small house in his own neighbourhood. Anne herself would have found the mortifications of it more than she foresaw, and to Sir Walter's feelings they must have been dreadful.
The undesirableness of any other house in the same neighbourhood for Sir Walter was certainly much strengthened by one part, and a very material part of the scheme, which had been happily engrafted on the beginning.

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