breaking away

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Noun1.breaking away - the act of breaking away or withdrawing from; "there was a breakaway by the discontented members"; "a breaking away from family and neighborhood"
secession, withdrawal - formal separation from an alliance or federation
2.breaking away - departing hastily
departure, going, going away, leaving - the act of departing
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References in classic literature ?
It soon seemed that the encounter was done saving only the final death thrust when Bar Comas slipped in breaking away from a clinch.
There is, among the Romanticists, a general breaking away not only from the definite pseudo-classical principles, but from the whole idea of submission to fixed authority.
Add to this that Gray, the new man, had his face tied up in a bandage for a cut he had got in breaking away from the mutineers and that poor old Tom Redruth, still unburied, lay along the wall, stiff and stark, under the Union Jack.
Mwetich, 22, clocked 2:09:37 to take the race after breaking away from his closest challengers after the 35 kilometre mark to clip more than seven minutes from his previous personal best.
In anticipation of the iceberg breaking away, the research station, which is currently unmanned, has been relocated to a safer location on the ice shelf, meaning there is no danger posed to personnel.
In girls' 3,000m steeplechase, Doris Cherop ran shoulder-to-shoulder with her Rift Valley counterpart Judith Jeptoo to ensure they retained the schools' title.Doris and Judith ran with the pack up in the first two laps, before breaking away and make a comfortable win, clocking 10:33.2 and 10:39.2 minutes respectively for a 1-2 sweep.