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(Historical Terms) archaic Brit a tax levied for the construction or maintenance of town walls
[C13: from Old French, ultimately from Latin mūrus wall]
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When prosecutor James Murage and family lawyer Prof Kiama Wangai asked if he asked for the missing parts, he responded: 'It was mentioned one of the pathologists took them.
Others are Miriam Nyambura, Consolata Thirindi, James Masai, Doreen Kathambi, Tanya Yvonne Goes and Gabriel Ndururi Murage.
Shabana's Daniel Murage scored an early goal giving his side a lead but Derrick Onyango scored an equalizer in the added time, however, the goal did not go down well with the Shabana fans as they thought the scorer was in an offside position.
High available P levels (P-Olsen) have been reported in nitisols in Kenya with a history of P fertilisation (Murage et al.
Mlama, R., Dioum, M., Makoye, H., Murage, L., Wagah, M., & Washika, R.
The banks have sought to mitigate these losses by aligning their businesses towards non-interest income, including fees and commissions, and government securities, according to Dannington Murage, analyst at Ecobank Capital in Kenya.
C M Muteshi, (1) MB ChB, MMEd (Obsetr Gynaecol); A Murage, (2) MRCOG (UK); S Ngugi, (2) MMEd (Obstetr Gynaecol)
The indictments were filed against six accused Palana Sami Suresh alias Sami, Prasad Chandana Kumara alias Sampath, Gamini Seneviratne, Pradeep Chaminda alias Vajira, Sivakanthan Vivekanandan alias Charan, and Fabian Royston Tusen on five counts, including committing the murder of former MP Nadaraja Raviraj and his security officer Lokuwella Murage Laksman under the provisions of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and Penal Code.
- Jeff Murage, Project Coordinator RTAP for Financing Renewables and Energy Efficiency, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), Kenya
"This is worse than stealing, even the thieves are being senseless," said Ben Murage, a farmer, adding, "If the thieves destroy the trees, where shall they steal tomorrow?"