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slang an unattractive person
[C20: of unknown origin]
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References in periodicals archive ? or Alan Munter, (301) 975-6244;
Looking ahead to calendar year-end 2001, Financial Executive asked Paul Munter to highlight the key financial reporting issues that should be "top of mind." Munter is a CPA, the KPMG professor of accounting and chairman of the department of accounting at the University of Miami, and a frequent contributor to FE.
Hirschmann and Munter, in When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies, explain the reasons why women persist in clinging to diets even though research proves they are ninety-five to ninety-eight percent ineffective.
Over 1,200 pages of correspondence between the painters Wassily Kandinsky and Gabriele Munter have been preserved from the years 1902-1914 and a complete edition in the original languages is currently being prepared.
Islamabad -- Having served in Pakistan as the US Ambassador (2010-2012) Ambassador Cameron Munter has a good knowledge and study of the country's geopolitical outlook and various initiatives Pakistan has been taking in the past to befriend the world particularly the US and the allies by creating a positive image of its foreign policy.
KARACHI -- Former US Ambassador Cameron Munter says there are certain business personalities and politicians in Pakistan that do not wish for the country to progress, because they benefit if things remain stagnant.
Ambassador Cameron Munter as its new President and Chief Executive Officer, effective August 1, 2015.
ISLAMABAD -- Former United States Ambassador to Pakistan' Cameron Munter has urged Washington to supplement its counter-terrorism efforts with the commitment to the Pakistani people and to their future and to stability.
The rare plea comes not from a Pakistani official but from a US ambassador to the country, Cameron Munter, who resigned from his position this summer amid controversy.
Munter, 82, of 11 South St., died Friday, September 23, 2011 at Marlborough Hospital.
In Ottawa, homosexual activist Alex Munter is running for mayor in the coming municipal election.
Financial Executive spoke with Paul Munter, KPMG professor and chair man of the department of accounting at the University of Miami, about SAB 101's purpose and impact, and how to adapt to it.