mezza voce

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mez·za vo·ce

 (mĕt′sə vō′chā, mĕd′zə, mĕz′ə)
adv. & adj. Music
With moderate volume or in a subdued tone. Used chiefly as a direction.

[Italian : mezza, half + voce, voice.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

mezza voce

(ˈmɛtsə ˈvəʊtʃɪ; Italian ˈmɛddza ˈvotʃe)
(Music, other) music (in singing) softly; quietly
[Italian, literally: half voice]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

mez•za vo•ce

(ˈmɛt sə ˈvoʊ tʃeɪ, ˈmɛd zə, ˈmɛz ə)
adv., adj.
with half the power of the voice (used as a musical direction). Abbr.: m.v.
[1765–75; < Italian]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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She begins the nightmare scene mezza voce, gradually amplifying her tone to a rich torrent, and the effect is dizzying.
They indicate to these latter the mechanism to practice [suivre] to increase the range of the chest register; they permit the piano and mezza voce use of this register in the high tones and thus the dispensation of the excessive use of the falsetto tones; finally, they facilitate the union of the registers, etc.
This leading tenor's multifaceted voice is appreciated for its versatile colours especially in soft and mezza voce singing as well as for its powerful galvanising quality at full volume.
Her mezza voce is as focused and arresting as ever; the proper realization of the appoggio, even now, manifesting within that vocal register.
Now, however, a piece of health and safety legislation from the lads and lasses at EU HQ is recommending orchestras play a little more quietly (or mezza voce, as they might say) to protect the players' hearing.
Though he fears a measure of abstention and an erosion of his electorate due to the entry into the fray of the dissident "PRO EUROPE" group, the DISY candidate remains confident of his fate, indicating Mezza voce that "the latest polls are good, I stand a good chance of going to Strasbourg".
Moreover, the critic's ear is keenly sensitive to rhetorical strategies, be they the deliberately provocative first-person singular of haft in the preface to Mes Haines or a sincerer argument against the death penalty ('N'est-ce pas deja, mezza voce, et dans la discretion d'une correspondance privee, la coupe de J'Accuse ...!?' (p.
He is also capable of mezza voce (half-voiced singing), giving his tone quality the proper chiaroscuro (dark and light shades).
LH: Someone, writing about you, mentioned that when you sing Kundry you have an incredible mezza voce. How do you think mezza voce?