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 (mī′ər-bîr′), Giacomo Originally Jakob Liebmann Meyer Beer. 1791-1864.
German composer of French operas, notably Les Huguenots (1836).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(German ˈmaiərbeːr)
(Biography) Giacomo (ˈdʒaːkomo), real name Jakob Liebmann Beer. 1791–1864, German composer, esp of operas, such as Robert le diable (1831) and Les Huguenots (1836)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈmaɪ ərˌbɪər, -ˌbɛər)

Giacomo (Jakob Liebmann Beer), 1791–1864, German composer.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Meyerbeer - German composer of operas in a style that influenced Richard Wagner (1791-1864)Meyerbeer - German composer of operas in a style that influenced Richard Wagner (1791-1864)
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References in classic literature ?
Mademoiselle, to celebrate our wedding, you shall make a very handsome present to a few hundred Parisians who are at this moment applauding a poor masterpiece of Meyerbeer's
In addition to Levy, salonniere hosts included Amalie Beer (mother of Giacomo Meyerbeer), Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (sister of Felix Mendelssohn), Rahel Varnhagen (1771-1833), Henriette Herz (1764-1847), and Dorothea von Schlegel (1764-1839).
It has also inspired operas such as Meyerbeer's Les Huguenots, Massenet's Therese and Herold's Le pre aux clercs.
I admit that I had looked with a somewhat suspicious eye upon Faust (which I had never heard), Meyerbeer and Massenet, who were mere names, and worshipped none other gods of the opera save Mozart, Verdi and Wagner (with reservations).
The inauguration program included Ernesto Vallejo playing Albeniz's 'Tango,' Monserrat Iglesias singing arias from Saint-Saens' 'Samson and Delilah,' and the Manila Music Academy under Alexander Lippay playing the Coronation March from Meyerbeer's 'The Prophet.'
Giacomo Meyerbeer, Coronation March; Hector Berlioz, Chante Sacre'; Benoit Constant Fauconnier, Quatour; Andre' Gretry, Trio from Richard Coeur de Lion; Guiseppe Verdi, Fragments melodiquies sur Messe de Requiem; Henry Distin, Distin's Polka; John Distin, Distin's Military Quadrilles; George Frederick Handel, "Let the Bright Seraphim" from Samson; James Kent, Blessed Be Thou Lord God of Israel; Thomas Arne, Rule Britannia; Traditional, The Last Rose of Summer; Theodore Distin, Victory; Guiseppi Verdi, Sinfonia from Nabucco.
The "Anvil Chorus" from Verdi's II Trovatore, and works by Wagner, Rossini, Meyerbeer, Weber, Flotow, and others, proved initially popular, but audience demand for opera gradually diminished.
Pur ammirando in certa misura Donizetti, Mazzini non crede in fin dei conti che sara lui il genio tanto atteso in grado di compiere la riforma musicale; e se loda Meyerbeer, ignora pero totalmente, e in maniera sospetta, Verdi.
His essay "Why We Must Listen to Meyerbeer" is included in Robert Ignatius Letellier.
Then in 1842 he premiered Rienzi, der Letzte der Tribunen (Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes), a grand historical opera in the Parisian manner of Giacomo Meyerbeer, with which he intended to take Paris by storm.