line of duty

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Noun1.line of duty - all that is normally required in some area of responsibility
duty, obligation, responsibility - the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr
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References in classic literature ?
He brought heroism into the line of duty. Verily he is a terrible ancestor.
If I did not feel this, and know, besides, that a changed behaviour in one she loved would break her heart, I should not feel my task so difficult of performance, or have to encounter so many struggles in my own bosom, when I take what seems to me to be the strict line of duty.'
"Because," said the old man, "the natural repugnance to the commission of such a crime prevented you from thinking of it; and so it ever is because in simple and allowable things our natural instincts keep us from deviating from the strict line of duty. The tiger, whose nature teaches him to delight in shedding blood, needs but the sense of smell to show him when his prey is within his reach, and by following this instinct he is enabled to measure the leap necessary to permit him to spring on his victim; but man, on the contrary, loathes the idea of blood -- it is not alone that the laws of social life inspire him with a shrinking dread of taking life; his natural construction and physiological formation" --
DG ISPR tweeted ' Another brave son of soil laid his life in the line of duty. Sepoy Muhammad Sheeraz embraced shahadat due to Indian firing in Buttal Sector along LOC.'
The nation observes the day to pay tribute to those jawans of Police who embrace martyrdom in the line of duty.
But now series five of Line of Duty has ended and writer Jed Mercurio is still working on the next instalment, Martin can get back on the pitch.
Addressing the ceremony, the RPO said the Punjab police had rendered great sacrifices in the line of duty and the number of martyrs in the Multan police range was 105.
Line of Duty, written by Jed Mercurio, who is originally from Cannock, has been a huge hit and is the mostwatched show of 2019 so far.
Fans will have a longer wait to see Line of Duty return but Mercurio sent a tweet to two of the shows stars, Keeley Hawes and Lennie James, reading: "Looking forward to seeing you meet in Series 6."
Official ratings for Line of Duty's finale have been published by Barb.