leading note

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leading note

1. (Music, other) another word for subtonic
2. (Music, other) (esp in cadences) a note, usually the subtonic of a scale, that tends most naturally to resolve to the note lying one semitone above it
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Highlights of this year's tea include musical performances by Leading Note Studios of Encinitas.
Individual programs within the province of Ontario are then examined with focused attention on three of the most established and active organizations, namely: Sistema Toronto, The Leading Note Foundation's OrKidstra program in Ottawa as well as El Sistema Aeolian in London.
The Runaways -- A subculture mash-up of street influences and passing phrases of casualness inspires a leading note of youthfulness abounded with virtuosity in versatility from cool silver caged sandals to high-top sneakers in fiery reds.
The unusual resolution of the A[sharp] leading note in m.
Tonal music shows a preference for "conjunct melodic motion" (that is, small intervals and fluent movement across them); it exhibits a widespread use of "acoustic consonance," with octave, fifth, and fourth assuming prominent melodic and harmonic roles; there is a tendency to "harmonic consistency" (consonant sequences or dissonant sequences, but not a scrambled mixture of both); pitches are organized as scales within the octave; and certain notes are singled out as more important or central than others (for instance, the tonic, the dominant, the leading note) (p.
Here in Canada, there's a Sistema-inspired program in Ottawa called the Leading Note Foundation, and another in Moncton run by the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra.
The chief one results from a misunderstanding of a clash that is commonly found in the lead-up to a cadence; it results from a bass moving from sharpened leading note to tonic while the upper voice simultaneously uses [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]7 as the first note of a descending stepwise line.
MARKET RASEN: 1.50 Turgeonev, 2.20 Prince Skyburd, 2.55 On The Fly, 3.30 Just Strong, 4.30 Pagan, 5.00 Leading Note.
The champion was red hot at Lingfield yesterday when his five-timer included a first win of 1999 for next year's boss Sir Michael Stoute on Leading Note.
In a sense, then, the [flat]VI can act rather like an inverted leading note. (The first movement of Schubert's String Quintet in C does not use quite enough notes to get listed in this book, though I cannot resist quoting the mouth-watering 'wrong-key' preparation for the second subject and the chromatic slide that connects it to the start of the new key, simultaneously throwing the new and settled tonality into relief and drawing attention to the third-related scheme of keys.
Dettori was suspended for his riding of Leading Note in the Tilney Portfolio Limited Stakes.
The four programs they discuss are; Sistema New Brunswick (Ken MacLeod), Sistema Toronto (David Visentin), The Leading Note Foundation (Tina Fedeski, Ottawa), and An Instrument for Every Child--AIFEC (Astrid Hepner, Hamilton Ontario).